A Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the South Cook County Mosquito Abatement District was called to order by President Lamarr Miller at the District’s Headquarter, 15500 Dixie Highway, Harvey, Illinois on September 9, 2024 at 4:04 P.M. upon due notice to all members of the time, date, and place of the meeting.
Also present were:
The meeting was opened by the President, whereupon the minutes from the Regular Board Meeting on August 12, 2024 were reviewed. The following motion was moved by Trustee Givines and seconded by trustee Warner, to wit:
Nays: None
Absent: Trustee Elston
At this time, President Miller made the motion to the Board for Trustee Givines to serve as Board Secretary Pro-tem due to the absence of Board Secretary, Trustee Elston. The following motion was moved by Trustee Miller and seconded by Trustee Warner, to wit:
Nays: None
Absent: Trustee Elston
The minutes from the Executive Session on August 12, 2024 were reviewed by the Board of Trustees. The following motion was moved by Trustee Warner and seconded by Trustee Givines, to wit:
Nays: None
Absent: Trustee Elston
Abstain: Trustee Miller
During the Assistant Director’s report, Trustee Elston walked in the board room at 4:12 p.m. and was recorded as present for the board meeting. Trustee Elston regained her position as Board Secretary.
The monthly report for the Director was presented by SCCMAD employee, Luke Chmielewski, Director, (please see attached reports). The following motion was moved by Trustee Warner and seconded by Trustee Elston, to wit:
Nays: None
Following the Director’s report, Madeline Trost, Biologist, gave a verbal report to the Board of Trustees. Ms. Trost mentioned to the board that 4 positive cases of West Nile have been reported in the South Cook Region in the last month. Ms. Trost also mentioned that spraying and fogging has been completed to bring some of the positive test numbers down in the trouble areas
During Board Member Notes, Mr. Luke Chmielewski spoke to the Board regarding speaking with Mr. Jeff Cohn about a possible Saturday date to meet and go through SCCMAD Policy and Personnel Manual. President Miller suggested to Mr. Chmielewski to work with Mr. Cohn and the Board to get a solid date in place.
Also discussed during Board Member Notes, Mr. Chmielewski discussed the meeting that took place with Trustee Warner regarding the budget and the allocation of overtime, sick time, and compensatory time. Trustee Warner also brought the question forward of when the budget will be due. Due to the budget hearing notice being posted in the newspaper late, the budget hearing and approval of budget will take place in October’s meeting.
The following motion was moved by Trustee Givines and seconded by Trustee Elston, to wit:
Nays: None
The following motion was moved by Trustee Givines and seconded by Trustee Elston, to wit:
Nays: None
President Miller made a request to the Board to exit the 862nd Regular Meeting of Trustees and enter into Executive Session. The following motion was moved by Trustee Warner and seconded by Trustee Elston, to wit:
Nays: None
Christopher Brown, Madeline Trost, John Cory Medlock, and Aerielle Charles exited the board room.
Madeline Trost and John Cory Medlock officially left the meeting while the Board Members were in Executive Session.
At this time, President Miller made a request to the Board to enter in the Regular Board Meeting.
Christopher Brown and Aerielle Charles re-entered the board room.
The following motion was moved by Trustee Elston and seconded by Trustee Warner, to wit:
Nays: None
The following motion was moved by Trustee Warner and seconded by Trustee Elston, to wit:
Nays: None
The following motion was moved by Trustee Elston and seconded by Trustee Warner, to wit:
Nays: None
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:03 p.m.
The next board meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. at the District’s Headquarter.
Lamarr X Miller, President
Cassandra Elston, Secretary