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A Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the South Cook County Mosquito Abatement District was called to order by President Charles Givines at the District’s Headquarter, 15500 Dixie Highway, Harvey, Illinois on April 10, 2023 at 4:10 P.M. upon due notice to all members of the time, date, and place of the meeting.


Trustee Charles Givines.............Present
Trustee Lamar X Miller...............Present
Trustee Dr. Ray Warner.............Present
Trustee Cassandra W Elston.....Present
Trustee Dr. Lynette Stokes....... Absent

Also Present were:

Luke Chmielewski..................Director
Belinda Mosby.......................Assistant Director
Meganne Trela.......................Attorney for the Board
Joseph Miller.........................Attorney for the Board
Aerielle Charles......................Administrative Assistant
Janet Rogers.........................Consultant
Christopher Brown................General Foreman
Cynthia Barker.......................First American Bank
Edgar A Wright......................EAW Wealth and Retirement Planning
Robert B. Barnes..................Citizen
Casey Kuntz.........................Western Division Assistant Supervisor
John Cory Medlock..............District Employee


The meeting was opened by the President, whereupon a presentation was given by Cynthia Barker, First American Bank. Cynthia Barker presented to the Board regarding the movement of district funds and changing banking operations to First American Bank.

Cynthia Barker, First American Bank, left the board room at 4:32 p.m.

At this time, A presentation was given by Edgar A Wright, EAW Wealth and Retirement Planning. Edgar A Wright presented to the Board regarding his recommendations of various adjustments that needed to be made to the District Investment account. No motion could be taken at this time, due to the action item not being placed on the agenda.

Edgar A Wright, EAW Wealth and Retirement, exited the board room at 4:42 p.m.

The minutes from the Regular Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees were reviewed. The following motion was made by President Givines, seconded by Trustee Elston, to wit:

BE IT RESOLVED, the Board hereby approves the minutes from the Regular Board Meeting March 13, 2023.

Upon roll call vote:

Yeas: Trustees, Miller, Warner, Elston and Givines
Nays: None


The following motion was made by President Givines, seconded by Trustee Miller, to wit:

BE IT RESOLVED, the Board hereby approves the minutes from the Executive Session March 13, 2023.

Upon roll call vote:

Yeas: Trustees, Warner, Miller, Elston Givines
Nays: None


The monthly report for the Assistant Director was presented by SCCMAD employee, Belinda Mosby, Assistant Director, (please see attached reports). The following motion was made by President Givines, seconded by Trustee Elston, to wit:

BE IT RESOLVED, the Board hereby approves the April report of the Assistant Director including the bills totaling $270,551.73.

Upon roll call vote:

Yeas: Trustees Miller, Warner, Elston and Givines
Nays: None


The monthly report for the Director was presented by SCCMAD employee, Luke Chmielewski, Director, (please see attached reports). The following motion was made by President Givines, seconded by Trustee Elston, to wit:

BE IT RESOLVED, the Board hereby approves the April report of the Director.

Upon roll call vote:

Yeas: Trustees, Warner, Miller, Elston and Givines
Nays: None


At this time, Janet Rogers, Consultant, along with Luke Chmielewski, Director, presented to the Board of Trustees regarding bids received from various companies for the MLO tank project for the District.


The following motion was made by President Givines, seconded by Trustee Miller, to wit:

BE IT RESOLVED, the Board hereby approves Petroleum Technologies Equipment for the above-ground MLO tank project for the district.

Upon roll call vote:

Yeas: Trustees, Warner, Miller, Elston and Givines
Nays: None


Line item 12 on the agenda has been tabled by the Board of Trustees.


Attorney Meganne Trela spoke to the Board regarding the Decennial Committees on Local Government Act. No motion is needed for line item 13 until the next Board meeting.


Line item 15 on the agenda has been tabled by the Board of Trustee until the next board meeting.


The following motion was made by President Givines, seconded by Trustee Warner, to wit:

BE IT RESOLVED, the Board hereby approves to dispose/donate the following computer equipment as presented.

Upon roll call vote:

Yeas: Trustees, Warner, Miller, Elston and Givines
Nays: None


President Givines made a request to the Board to exit the 845th Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustee and enter into Executive Session at 5:54 p.m. The following motion was made by President Givines, seconded by Trustee Elston, to wit:

BE IT RESOLVED, the Board hereby approves to exit the 845th Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees and enter into Executive Session.

Upon roll call vote:

Yeas: Trustees, Warner, Miller, Elston and Givines
Nays: None


Belinda Mosby, Aerielle Charles, Janet Rogers, Christopher Brown, and Robert B. Barnes exited the board room.


At this time, President Givines made a request to the Board to enter in the Regular Board Meeting at 7:42 p.m.


Belinda Mosby, Aerielle Charles, Janet Rogers, and Christopher Brown re-entered the Board room. Casey Kuntz, Western Division Assistant Supervisor, left during executive session and John Cory Medlock, District Employee, joined the meeting following Executive Session.


Item 9 and 10 on the agenda have been tabled by the Board of Trustees.


The following motion was made by President Givines, seconded by Trustee Miller, to wit:

BE IT RESOLVED, the Board hereby approves the leave for Angel Winters and Alex Ellis.

Upon roll call vote:

Yeas: Trustees, Warner, Miller, Elston and Givines
Nays: None


The following motion was made by President Givines, seconded by Trustee Miller, to wit:

BE IT RESOLVED, the Board hereby approves the following returning Seasonal Workers as presented along with a policy to be written stating that they must have 30 days to receive their Illinois Department of Agriculture License.

Upon roll call vote:

Yeas: Trustees, Warner, Miller, Elston and Givines
Nays: None


At this time, the board discussed item 4 on the agenda with the approval of a bank for the District. President Givines made a motion to the Board to go with BMO Harris Bank. The motion died for lack of a second. Fifth Third Bank will remain as the current bank for the District.


During public comments, John Cory Medlock, District Employee, spoke to the Board regarding a letter that he presented to them.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.


The next board meeting will be held on May 8, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. at the District’s Headquarter.




Charles Givines, President

Cassandra Elston, Secretary