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A Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the South Cook County Mosquito Abatement District was called to order by President Charles Givines, at the District's Headquarters, 15500 Dixie Highway, Harvey, Illinois on September 9th, 2019 at 4:30 P.M. upon due notice to all members of the time, date and place of the meeting


Trustee Charles Givines............Present
Trustee Dr. Lynette Stokes....... Present
Trustee Dr. Ray Warner.............Present
Trustee Lamar X Miller...............Present

Also Present were:

Janet Rogers...........................Operations Superintendent
Nikki Cody...............................Business Manager
Luke Chmielewski..................Chief Mechanic
Meganne Trela........................Attorney for the Board
Tasha Ferguson......................Seasonal Administrative Assistant


The meeting was opened by the President, whereupon, the minutes of the 801st meeting of the Board of Trustees held on August 12, 2019 were reviewed. The following motion was made by President Givines, seconded by Trustee Stokes, to wit:

BE IT RESOLVED, the Board hereby approves the minutes for the Regular Board meeting August 12, 2019.

Upon roll call vote:

Yeas: Trustees Warner, Stokes, Miller and Givines
Nays: None


The following motion was made by President Givines, seconded by Trustee Stokes, to wit:

BE IT RESOLVED, the Board hereby approves the minutes for the Executive Session of the Board Meeting August 12, 2019

Upon roll call vote:

Yeas: Trustees Warner, Stokes. Miller and Givines
Nays: None


The following motion was made by President Givines, seconded by Trustee Stokes, to wit:

BE IT RESOLVED, the Board hereby approves the minutes for the Special Board meeting August 20, 2019.

Upon roll call vote:

Yeas: Trustees Warner, Stokes, Miller and Givines
Nays: None


Thereupon the Manager's Staff Monthly Report for the month of August 2019, which is found on pages 339 A & B were reviewed. President Givines called for a group roll call vote to accept the Manger's Staff Monthly Report. The following resolution was made upon unanimous vote, to wit

BE IT RESOLVED, the Manager's Staff Monthly Report for the month of August 2019, is approved and ordered filed.

Monthly reports for the Business and Operations Department were presented by SCCMAD employees Nikki Cody, Business Manager and Janet Rogers, Operations Superintendent (please see attached reports). The Board made the following recommendations for the Annual Budget: remove the HR position until it is approved by the Board, show true salaries with a 3% increase, and additional monies should be directed towards the pension plan. Attorney Trela, also recommended that a capital improvement plan for the District building repairs be documented. The Board is scheduled to vote on the Annual Budget on September 23, 2019


The following motion was made by President Givines and seconded by Trustee Warner, to wit:

BE IT RESOLVED, the Board hereby approves the removal of the above ground tank in the Western Division for $12,000.00

Upon roll call vote:

Yeas: Trustees Stokes, Warner, Miller and Givines
Nays: None


The IMRF application is being processed by Business Manager, Nikki Cody


The following motion was made by President Givines and seconded by Trustee Warner, to wit:

BE IT RESOLVED, the Board hereby approves the new Credit Card Procedures. The procedure states that the District cardholders have (2) options regarding the storing of District credit cards. They may keep their credit cards in their possession, or they may store them in the safe located in the Business Department,


Attorney Trela recommended that the date the Credit Card procedures were adopted by the Board be added to the document

Upon roll call vote:

Yeas: Trustees Stokes, Warner, Miller and Givines
Nays: None


The following motion was made by President Givines and seconded by Trustee Warner, to wit:

BE IT RESOLVED, the Board hereby approves the purchase of (7) 2020 GMC/Chevrolet Silverado at the cost of $210,000.00 for the District

Upon roll call vote:

Yeas: Trustees Stokes, Warner, Miller and Givines
Nays: None



There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.




Charles Givines, President

Lamar X Miller, Secretary