HELD JUNE 10, 2019
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the South Cook County Mosquito Abatement District was called to order by the President, Charles Givines, at the District's Headquarters, 15500 Dixie Highway, Harvey, Illinois on June 10, 2019 at 4:30 P.M. upon due notice to all members of the time, date and place of the meeting
Also Present were:
Also Present were:
The meeting was opened by the President at 4:05pm, whereupon, the minutes of the 798th meeting of the Board of Trustees held on May 13, 2019, were reviewed. The following motion was made by President Givines, seconded by Trustee Stokes, to wit:
Nays: None
The following motion was made by President Givines and seconded by Trustee Warner, to wit:
Nays: None
The following motion was made by Trustee Miller, seconded by Trustee Warner, to wit:
Nays: None
The following motion was made by Trustee Givines, seconded by Trustee Warner, to wit:
Nays: None
The following motion was made by Trustee Givines, seconded by Trustee Miller, to wit:
Nays: None
The following motion was made by Trustee Givines and seconded by Trustee Stokes, to wit
Nays: None
The following motion was made by Trustee Givines and seconded by Trustee Miller, to wit:
Nays: None
There were (2) presentations by SCCMAD employees. Ms. Cody updated the Board on the financials for June 2019. Mrs. Rogers updated the Board on the Operations Department. (see attachments)
Thereupon Manager's Staff Monthly Report for the month of June 2019, which is found on pages 289 A & B was reviewed. President Givines called for a group roll call vote to accept the Manager's Monthly Report. The following motion was made upon unanimous vote to wit:
Nays: None
The following motion was made by Trustee Givines, seconded by Trustee Stokes, to wit:
Nays: None
The following motion was made by Trustee Givines, seconded by Trustee Stokes, to wit:
Nays: None
The following motion was made by Trustee Givines and seconded by Trustee Miller, to wit:
Nays: None
The following motion was made by Trustee Givines and seconded by Trustee Miller, to wit
Nays: None
The following motion was made by Trustee Warner and seconded by Trustee Givines, to wit:
Nays: None
The following motion was made by Trustee Givines and seconded by Trustee Stokes to wit:
Nays: None
At this time the Board President made a request to the Board to exit out of the regular meeting and enter into executive session at 5:15 pm to discuss the hiring, discipline, district credit cards, performance and compensation of certain personnel matters of pending, probable, or imminent litigation
The following motion was made by Trustee Miller, seconded by Trustee Stokes, to wit:
Nays: None
Janet Rogers, Nikki Cody, Luke Chmielewski and Chris Brown exited the Boardroom
The Board returned from executive session at 5:55 pm
Janet Rogers, Nikki Cody, Luke Chmielewski and Chris Brown re-entered the Boardroom.
There will be a Special Board meeting on June 17, 2019 at 4pm at the District Headquarters.
here being no further business, a motion was made by Trustee Givines, second by Trustee Stokes, to adjourn the meeting.
Charles Givines, President
Lamarr X Miller, Secretary